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Product SKU Price Quantity
Dachshund coat Dachshund turquoise tartan coat Gauguin
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat 30 Puppy
DHC01Gau30 €75.00
Dachshund coat 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Gau35S €95.00
Dachshund coat 35 M Miniature
DHC01Gau35M €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Gau38S €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 M Tweeny
DHC01Gau38M €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Gau38L €95.00
Dachshund coat 40 S Standard
DHC01Gau40S €95.00
Dachshund coat 40 M Standard
DHC01Gau40M €95.00
Dachshund coat 40 L Standard
DHC01Gau40L €95.00
Dachshund coat 48 XL Standard
DHC01Gau48XL €99.00
Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt 30 Puppy / Dark-green + red corduroy bias
DHC02Rem30 €75.00
Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt 35 S Kaninchen / Dark-green + red corduroy bias
DHC02Rem35S €95.00
Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt 38 S Tweeny / Dark-green + red corduroy bias
DHC02Rem38S €95.00
Dachshund waxed rain coat Rembrandt 38 M Tweeny / Dark-green + red corduroy bias
DHC02Rem38M €95.00
Dackel Mantel Dachshund coat Degas
€95.00 variants
Dackel Mantel 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Deg38S €95.00
Dackel Mantel 38 M Tweeny
DHC01Deg38M €95.00
Dackel Mantel 40 M Standard
DHC01Deg40M €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso Dachshund coat wool Picasso
€95.00 variants
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 30 Puppy / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic30 €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 35 S Kaninchen / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic35S €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 38 S Tweeny / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic38S €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 38 M Tweeny / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic38M €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 40 M Standard / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic40M €95.00
Dachshund coat wool Picasso 48 XL Standard / grey + navy rim
DHC01Pic48XL €95.00
Dachshund rain coat Turner Dachshund rain coat Turner
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund rain coat Turner 30 Puppy / Dark-green + brown corduroy bias
DHC02Tur30 €75.00
Dachshund rain coat Turner 35 S Kaninchen / Dark-green + brown corduroy bias
DHC02Tur35S €95.00
Dachshund rain coat Turner 38 S Tweeny / Dark-green + brown corduroy bias
DHC02Tur38S €95.00
Dachshund rain coat Turner 38 M Tweeny / Dark-green + brown corduroy bias
DHC02Tur38M €95.00
Dachshund rain coat Turner 38 L Tweeny / Dark-green + brown corduroy bias
DHC02Tur38L €95.00
Dachshund coat Dachshund coat Braque
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat 30 Puppy
DHC01Braq30 €75.00
Dachshund coat 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Braq35S €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Braq38S €95.00
Dachshund coat 40 M Standard
DHC01Braq40M €95.00
Dachshund coat Dachshund coat Renoir wool grey & red
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat 30 Puppy
DHC01Ren30 €75.00
Dachshund coat 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Ren35S €95.00
Dachshund coat 35 M Miniature
DHC01Ren35M €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Ren38S €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 M Tweeny
DHC01Ren38M €95.00
Dachshund coat 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Ren38L €95.00
Dachshund coat 40 M Standard
DHC01Ren40M €95.00
Dachshund coat Pollock Dachshund coat Pollock
48 XL Standard

DHC01Pol48XL €80.75
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan Dachshund coat Chagall tartan
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan 30 Puppy
DHC01Cha30 €75.00
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan 35 M Miniature
DHC01Cha35M €95.00
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Cha38L €95.00
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan 40 S Standard
DHC01Cha40S €95.00
Dachshund coat Chagall tartan 40 M Standard
DHC01Cha40M €95.00
Dachshund coat winter Klimt Dachshund coat winter Klimt
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat winter Klimt 30 Puppy / Black & Blue + Neon splashes
DHC01Kli30 €75.00
Dachshund coat winter Klimt 38 L Tweeny / Black & Blue + Neon splashes
DHC01Kli38L €95.00
Dachshund coat winter Klimt 40 S Standard / Black & Blue + Neon splashes
DHC01Kli40S €95.00
Dachshund coat winter Klimt 40 M Standard / Black & Blue + Neon splashes
DHC01Kli40M €95.00
Dachshund coat winter Klimt 40 L Standard / Black & Blue + Neon splashes
DHC01Kli40L €95.00
Dachshund coat Pissarro Dachshund coat Pissarro
€95.00 variants
Dachshund coat Pissarro 30 Puppy / grey + black rim
DHC01Pis30 €95.00
Dachshund coat Pissarro 35 S Kaninchen / grey + black rim
DHC01Pis35S €95.00
Dachshund coat Pissarro 38 S Tweeny / grey + black rim
DHC01Pis38S €95.00
Dachshund coat Pissarro 38 M Tweeny / grey + black rim
DHC01Pis38M €95.00
Dachshund coat Pissarro 40 M Standard / grey + black rim
DHC01Pis40M €95.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White thin fleece teckel Pullover George
€39.00 variants
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Female 35 S
DHC03GeorgF35S €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Female 35 M
DHC03GeorgF35M €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Female 38
DHC03GeorgF38 €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Female 40
DHC03GeorgF40 €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Male 35 S
DHC03GeorgM35S €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Male 35 M
DHC03GeorgM35M €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Male 38
DHC03GeorgM38 €39.00
White thin fleece teckel Pullover George White / Male 40
DHC03GeorgM40 €39.00
Dackel Pullover Dachshund cotton fleece jumper John
€69.00 variants
Dackel Pullover 35 S Kaninchen / Anthracite
DHC03John35S €69.00
Dachshund wool coat Rothko Dachshund wool coat Rothko
48 XL Standard

DHC01Rot48XL €80.75
Dachshund reflective Parka Mondrian Dachshund reflective Parka Mondrian
€95.00 variants
Dachshund reflective Parka Mondrian 35 S Kaninchen
DHC02Mond35S €95.00
Dachshund reflective Parka Mondrian 38 Tweeny
DHC02Mond38 €95.00
Dachshund reflective Parka Mondrian 40 Standard
DHC02Mond40 €95.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris Dachshund coat Emily in Paris
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Emily35S €85.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Emily38S €85.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 38 M Tweeny
DHC01Emily38M €85.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Emily38L €85.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 40 S Standard
DHC01Emily40S €85.00
Dachshund coat Emily in Paris 48 XL Standard
DHC01Emily48XL €95.00
Dackel Pullover Dachshund grey hoodie David
€69.00 variants
Dackel Pullover 35S Kaninchen / Grey
DHC03Dav35S €69.00
Dackel Pullover 35M Miniature / Grey
DHC03Dav35M €69.00
Dackel Pullover 40 Standard / Grey
DHC03Dav40 €69.00
Black Softshell Chestie Black Softshell Chestie
€33.00 variants
Black Softshell Chestie 35 S Kaninchen female / Black
DHC01Chesty35SFblack €33.00
Black Softshell Chestie 35 S Kaninchen male / Black
DHC01Chesty35SMblack €33.00
Black Softshell Chestie 35 M Miniature / Black
DHC01Chesty35Mblack €33.00
Black Softshell Chestie 38 Tweeny / Black
DHC01Chesty38black €33.00
Black Softshell Chestie 40 Standard / Black
DHC01Chesty40black €33.00
Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch
€115.00 variants
Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01MUN35S €115.00
Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch 35 M Miniature
DHC01MUN35M €115.00
Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch 38 Tweenie
DHC01MUN38 €115.00
Red thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Munch 40 Standard
DHC01MUN40 €115.00
Dachshund Softshell Chesty Manet Dachshund Softshell Chesty Manet
€33.00 variants
Dachshund Softshell Chesty Manet 35 S Kaninchen / Blue
DHC01Chesty35Sblue €33.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel Dachshund coat Ai Wei Wei - limited edition -
from €75.00 variants
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 30 Puppy
DHC01AiWei30 €75.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01AiWei35S €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 38 S Tweeny
DHC01AiWei38S €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 38 M Tweeny
DHC01AiWei38M €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 38 L Tweeny
DHC01AiWei38L €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 40 S Standard
DHC01AiWei40S €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 40 M Standard
DHC01AiWei40M €95.00
Dackel trägt einen Dackelmantel 40 L Standard
DHC01AiWei40L €95.00
Dachshund tartan rain jacket Raeburn Dachshund tartan rain jacket Raeburn
€56.53 variants
Dachshund tartan rain jacket Raeburn 30 Puppy
DHC02Rae30 €56.53
Dachshund tartan rain jacket Raeburn 38 S Tweeny
DHC02Rae38S €56.53
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Olive Green
DHC03olive35SF €39.00
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Olive Green
DHC03olive35S €39.00
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Olive Green
DHC03olive35MF €39.00
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Olive Green
DHC03olive38F €39.00
Olive Green Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Olive Green
DHC03olive40F €39.00
Green Parka Giacometti with MAROON fleece lining Green Parka Giacometti with MAROON fleece lining
€107.00 variants
Green Parka Giacometti with MAROON fleece lining 35 S - Kaninchen
DHC02Giacometti35S €107.00
Green Parka Giacometti with MAROON fleece lining 40 - Standard
DHC02Giacometti40 €107.00
Coat Belly Strap Extension Coat Belly Strap Extension
€12.00 variants
Coat Belly Strap Extension 35 / Schwarz
Coat Belly Strap Extension 35 / Blau
Coat Belly Strap Extension 38 / Schwarz
Coat Belly Strap Extension 38 / Blau
Coat Belly Strap Extension 40 / Schwarz
Coat Belly Strap Extension 40 / Blau
Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero
€115.00 variants
Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01BOT35S €115.00
Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero 35 M Miniature
DHC01BOT35M €115.00
Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero 38 Tweenie
DHC01BOT38 €115.00
Blue thick and stretchy Softshell dachshund coat style Botero 40 Standard
DHC01BOT40 €115.00
Dachshund hoodie Dachshund bottle green hoodie Freddie
€69.00 variants
Dachshund hoodie 35S Kaninchen / Green
DHC03Fre35S €69.00
Dachshund hoodie 35M Miniature / Green
DHC03Fre35M €69.00
Dachshund hoodie 38 Tweeny / Green
DHC03Fre38 €69.00
Dachshund hoodie 40 Standard / Green
DHC03Fre40 €69.00
Parka Monet in navy with black fleece lining Parka Monet in navy with black fleece lining
€107.00 variants
Parka Monet in navy with black fleece lining 35 S Kaninchen
DHC02Monet35S €107.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat Dog raincoat Friedrich
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 30 Puppy
DHC02Frie30 €75.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 35 M Miniature
DHC02Frie35M €95.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 38 S Tweeny
DHC02Frie38S €95.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 38 M Tweeny
DHC02Frie38M €95.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 38 L Tweeny
DHC02Frie38L €95.00
Dachshund wearing red dog coat 40 S Standard
DHC02Frie40S €95.00
Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky
€95.00 variants
Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Kan35S €95.00
Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Kan38S €95.00
Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Kan38L €95.00
Dachshund coat violet wool Kandinsky 40 L Standard
DHC01Kan40L €95.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Red
DHC03red35SF €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Red
DHC03red35S €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Red
DHC03red35MF €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Male / Red
DHC03red35M €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Red
DHC03red38F €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Male / Red
DHC03red38 €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Red
DHC03red40F €39.00
Red Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Male / Red
DHC03red40 €39.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono
€69.00 variants
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono 35 S Kaninchen / Light gray + green details
DHC03Bono35S €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono 35 M Miniature / Light gray + green details
DHC03Bono35M €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono 38 Tweeny / Light gray + green details
DHC03Bono38 €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Bono 40 Standard / Light gray + green details
DHC03Bono40 €69.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser Dachshund coat Hundertwasser
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 30 Puppy
DHC01Hun30 €75.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01Hun35S €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 35 M Miniature
DHC01Hun35M €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 38 S Tweeny
DHC01Hun38S €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 38 M Tweeny
DHC01Hun38M €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 38 L Tweeny
DHC01Hun38L €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 40 S Standard
DHC01Hun40S €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 40 M Standard
DHC01Hun40M €85.00
Dachshund coat Hundertwasser 48 XL Standard
DHC01Hun48XL €95.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Light Grey
DHC03grey35SF €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Light Grey
DHC03grey35S €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Light Grey
DHC03grey35MF €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Male / Light Grey
DHC03grey35M €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Light Grey
DHC03grey38F €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Male / Light Grey
DHC03grey38 €39.00
Light Grey Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Light Grey
DHC03grey40F €39.00
Green Softshell Chestie Green Softshell Chestie
€33.00 variants
Green Softshell Chestie 35 S Kaninchen / Green
DHC01Chesty35Sgreen €33.00
Green Softshell Chestie 35 M Miniature / Green
DHC01Chesty35Mgreen €33.00
Green Softshell Chestie 40 Standard / Green
DHC01Chesty40green €33.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol35SF €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol35M €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol35MF €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Male / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol35M €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol38F €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Male / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol38 €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol40F €39.00
Petrol Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Male / Petrol Blue
DHC03petrol40 €39.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds
€69.00 variants
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 30 Puppy
DHC01RC30olive €69.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 35S Kaninchen
DHC01RC35Solive €69.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38S slim Tweenie
DHC01RC38Solive €69.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38L short Standard
DHC01RC38Lolive €69.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40S slim Standard
DHC01RC40Solive €69.00
Olive Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 48 XL Standard
DHC01RC48olive €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Pullover Steven Dachshund Fleece Pullover Steven
€69.00 variants
Dachshund Fleece Pullover Steven 35 S Kaninchen / Orange with anthrazit details
DHC03Steven35S €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Pullover Steven 38 Tweeny / Orange with anthrazit details
DHC03Steven38 €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Pullover Steven 40 Standard / Orange with anthrazit details
DHC03Steven40 €69.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Pink
DHC03pink35SF €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Pink
DHC03pink35S €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Pink
DHC03pink35MF €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Male / Pink
DHC03pink35M €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Male / Pink
DHC03pink38 €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Pink
DHC03pink40F €39.00
Pink Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Male / Pink
DHC03pink40 €39.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds
€69.00 variants
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 30 Puppy
DHC01RC30Black €69.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 35S Kaninchen
DHC01RC35SBlack €69.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38S slim Tweenie
DHC01RC38SBlack €69.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38L short Standard
DHC01RC38LBlack €69.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40S slim Standard
D;HC01RC40SBlack €69.00
Black Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 48 XL Standard
DHC01RC48Black €69.00
Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining
€107.00 variants
Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining 35 S - Kaninchen
DHC02Signac35S €107.00
Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining 35 M - Miniature
DHC02Signac35M €107.00
Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining 38 - Tweenie
DHC02Signac38 €107.00
Green Parka Signac with LIGHT BLUE fleece lining 40 - Standard
DHCSignac40 €107.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Nena Dachshund Fleece Jumper Nena
€69.00 variants
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Nena 35 S Kaninchen / Burgundy + green details
DHC03Nena35S €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Nena 38 Tweeny / Burgundy + green details
DHC03Nena38 €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Nena 40 Standard / Burgundy + green details
DHC03Nena40 €69.00
Massai dog collar Venice Massai dog collar Venice
from €55.00 variants
Massai dog collar Venice Puppy - Kaninchen
Massai dog collar Venice Kaninchen - Mini - Tweenie
DHC05Ven35cm €65.00
Massai dog collar Venice Tweenie - Standard
DHC05Ven46cm €75.00
Massai dog collar Venice Bigger dogs
DHC05Ven56cm €89.00
Blue Softshell Chestie Blue Softshell Chestie
€33.00 variants
Blue Softshell Chestie 35 S Kaninchen / Blue
DHC01Chesty35Sblue €33.00
Blue Softshell Chestie 35 M Miniature / Blue
DHC01Chesty35Mblue €33.00
Blue Softshell Chestie 38 Tweeny / Blue
DHC01Chesty38blue €33.00
Blue Softshell Chestie 40 Standard / Blue
DCH01Chesty40blue €33.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds
€69.00 variants
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 30 Puppy
DHC01RC30Navy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 35S Kaninchen
DHC01RC35SNavy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38S slim Tweenie
DHC01RC38SNavy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38L short Standard
DHC01RC38LNavy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40S slim Standard
DHC01RC40SNavy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40L heavier Standard
DHC01RC40LNavy €69.00
Navy Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 48 XL Standard
DHC01RC48Navy €69.00
Dackel Pullover Dachshund bordeaux hoodie Selena
€69.00 variants
Dackel Pullover 35S Kaninchen / Bordeaux
DHC03Sel35S €69.00
Dackel Pullover 35M Miniature / Bordeaux
DHC03Sel35M €69.00
Dackel Pullover 38 Tweeny / Bordeaux
DHC03Sel38 €69.00
Dackel Pullover 40 Standard / Bordeaux
DHC03Sel40 €69.00
Dog collar Madrid Dog collar Madrid
Tweenie - Standard

DHC05Mad46cm €75.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele Dachshund coat Egon Schiele
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 30 - Puppy
DHC01Schiele30 €75.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 35 S - Kaninchenteckel
DHC01Schiele35S €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 35 M - Miniature Dachshund
DHC01Schiele35M €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 38 S - slim Tweenie
DHC01Schiele38S €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 38 M - Tweenie
DHC01Schiele38M €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 38 L - Tweenie
DHC01Schiele38L €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 40 S - slim Standard
DHC01Schiele40S €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 40 M - Standard Dachshund
DHC01Schiele40M €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 40 L - Standard
DHC01Schiele40 L €95.00
Dachshund coat Egon Schiele 48 - XL Standard
DHC01Schiele48 €95.00
Leather dog collar Maya Leather dog collar Maya
from €45.00 variants
Leather dog collar Maya Puppy - Kaninchen
DHC05MayaXS €45.00
Green retriever lead with deer horn stopper Green retriever lead with deer horn stopper
€65.00 variants
Green retriever lead with deer horn stopper Puppy - Kaninchen - Mini
DHC06RetGreen6mm €65.00
Yellow Rain Cape Matisse Yellow Rain Cape Matisse
€90.00 variants
Yellow Rain Cape Matisse 35 Kaninchen + Mini
DHC02MAT35 €90.00
Yellow Rain Cape Matisse 38 Tweenie
DHC02MAT38 €90.00
Yellow Rain Cape Matisse 40 Standard
DHC02MAT40 €90.00
Massai dog collar Portofino Massai dog collar Portofino
from €55.00 variants
Massai dog collar Portofino Puppy - Kaninchen
Massai dog collar Portofino Tweenie - Standard
DHC05Por46cm €75.00
Massai dog collar Portofino Bigger dogs
DHC05Por56cm €89.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds
€69.00 variants
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 30 Puppy
DHC01RC30blue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 35S Kaninchen
DHC01RC35Sblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 35M Miniature
DHC01RC35Mblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38S slim Tweenie
DHC01RC38Sblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38M Tweenie
DHC01RC38Mblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 38L short Standard
DHC01RC38Lblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40S slim Standard
DHC01RC40Sblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40M regular Standard
DHC01RC40Mblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 40L wide chested Standard
DHC01RC40Lblue €69.00
Sky-blue Softshell raincoat for Dachshunds 48 XL Standard
DHC01RC48blue €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Tina Dachshund Fleece Jumper Tina
€58.65 variants
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Tina 35 S Kaninchen / Grey + burgundy details
DHC03Tin35S €58.65
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana
€69.00 variants
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana 35 S Kaninchen / Light gray
DHC03Diana35S €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana 35 M Miniature / Light gray
DHC03Diana35M €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana 38 Tweeny / Light gray
DHC03Diana38 €69.00
Dachshund Fleece Jumper Diana 40 Standard / Light gray
DHC03Diana40 €69.00
Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest
€84.00 variants
Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest 35 S Kaninchenteckel
DHC01SCH35Sblack €84.00
Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest 35 M Miniature
DHC01SCH35Mblack €84.00
Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest 38 Tweenie
DHC01SCH38black €84.00
Black Softshell dog coat with covered chest 40 Standard
DHC01SCH40black €84.00
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Royal Blue
DHC03royal35SF €39.00
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Royal Blue
DHC03royal35S €39.00
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Royal Blue
DHC03royal35MF €39.00
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Royal Blue
DHC03royal38F €39.00
Royal Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Royal Blue
DHC03royal40F €39.00
Red Softshell Chestie Red Softshell Chestie
€33.00 variants
Red Softshell Chestie 35 S Kaninchen / Red with Bordeaux trim
DHC01Chesty35Sred/bordeaux €33.00
Red Softshell Chestie 35 M Miniature / Red with black trim
DHC01Chesty35Mred/black €33.00
Red Softshell Chestie 38 Tweeny / Red with Bordeaux trim
DHC01Chesty38red/bordeaux €33.00
Red Softshell Chestie 38 Tweeny / Red with black trim
DHC01Chesty38red/black €33.00
Red Softshell Chestie 40 Standard / Red with Bordeaux trim
DHC01Chesty40red/bordeaux €33.00
Honey Amber dog necklace with Amethyst and leather closure Honey Amber dog necklace with Amethyst and leather closure
€28.00 variants
Honey Amber dog necklace with Amethyst and leather closure 25 cm/ 9.4"
TNA07NecAme25 €28.00
Honey Amber dog necklace with Amethyst and leather closure 30 cm/ 11.8"
TNA07NecAme30 €28.00
Softshell dachshund coat Miró in grey Softshell dachshund coat Miró in grey
€115.00 variants
Softshell dachshund coat Miró in grey 35 S Kaninchen
DHC01MIR35S €115.00
Dachshund fleece Pullover Elton Dachshund fleece Pullover Elton
€69.00 variants
Dachshund fleece Pullover Elton 40 Standard / Burgundy + Orange details
DHC03Elt40 €69.00
Orange leather dog collar Orange leather dog collar
€47.00 variants
Orange leather dog collar Puppies - Kaninchen
DHC05orangeXS €47.00
Orange leather dog collar bigger dogs
DHC05orangeM €47.00
african dog collar monaco African dog collar Monaco
from €55.00 variants
african dog collar monaco Puppy - Kaninchen
DHC05Mon31.5cm €55.00
african dog collar monaco Tweenie - Standard
DHC05Mon46cm €75.00
african dog collar monaco Bigger dogs
DHC05Mon56cm €89.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi Dachshund wool jacket Rosi
from €300.00 variants
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 30 Puppy / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros30 €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 35 S Kaninchen / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros35S €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 35 M Miniature / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros35M €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 38 S Tweeny / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros38S €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 38 M Tweeny / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros38M €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 38 L Tweeny / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros38L €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 40 M Standard / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros40M €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 40 L Standard / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros40L €330.00
Dachshund wool jacket Rosi 48 XL Standard / Dark-grey + red details
DHC01Ros48XL €300.00
Indie pattern cuddlesack dog bed Indie pattern cuddlesack dog bed
from €75.00 variants
Indie pattern cuddlesack dog bed Small Cuddlesack
DHC08CuddleindieS €75.00
Indie pattern cuddlesack dog bed Large Cuddlesack
DHC08CuddleindieL €95.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds
€39.00 variants
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Female / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans35SF €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 S Male / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans35S €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Female / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans35MF €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 35 M Male / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans35M €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Female / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans38F €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 38 Male / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans38 €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Female / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans40F €39.00
Jeans Blue Fleece Pullover for Dachshunds 40 Male / Jeans Blue
DHC03jeans40 €39.00
Black retriever dog lead Black retriever dog lead
from €65.00 variants
Black retriever dog lead Puppy - Kaninchen - Mini
DHC06REtBlaMini €65.00
Black retriever dog lead Mini - Tweenie - Standard (long lead)
DHC06RetBla220 €75.00
Red Christmas dachshund sweater Rudolph Red Christmas dachshund sweater Rudolph
€77.00 variants
Red Christmas dachshund sweater Rudolph S - Mini/Tweenie
Red Christmas dachshund sweater Rudolph M - Standard
Massai dog collar Mykonos Massai dog collar Mykonos
from €55.00 variants
Massai dog collar Mykonos Puppy - Kaninchen
DHC05Myk31.5 €55.00
Massai dog collar Mykonos Bigger dogs
DHC05Myk56 €89.00
Dachshund coat Gustl Dachshund coat Gustl
from €300.00 variants
Dachshund coat Gustl 30 Puppy / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus30 €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 35 S Kaninchen / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus35S €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 35 M Miniature / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus35M €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 38 S Tweeny / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus38S €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 38 M Tweeny / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus38M €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 38 L Tweeny / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus38L €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 40 M Standard / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus40M €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 40 L Standard / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus40L €330.00
Dachshund coat Gustl 48 XL Standard / Dark-grey + green details
DHC01Gus48XL €300.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc Dachshund coat Franz Marc
from €75.00 variants
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 30 - Puppy
DHC01FM30 €75.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 35 S - Kaninchenteckel
DHC01FM35S €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 35 M - Miniature Dachshund
DHC01FM35M €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 38 S - slim Tweenie
DHC01FM38S €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 38 M - Tweenie
DHC01FM38M €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 38 L - Tweenie
DHC01FM38L €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 40 S - slim Standard
DHC01FM40S €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 40 M - Standard Dachshund
DHC01FM40M €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 40 L - Standard
DHC01FM40L €95.00
Dachshund coat Franz Marc 48 - XL Standard
DHC01FM48 €95.00
Blue dachshund sweater Snowman Blue dachshund sweater Snowman
€77.00 variants
Blue dachshund sweater Snowman XS - Puppy/Kaninchen
Tejidos06XS €77.00
Blue dachshund sweater Snowman M - Standard
Tejidos06M €77.00
Green and red Christmas necklaces with Emaille pendants Green and red Christmas necklaces with Emaille pendants
€14.00 variants
Green and red Christmas necklaces with Emaille pendants Schneemann
MIO62762-B €14.00
Dark Amber dog necklace with blue Aquamarine pearls Dark Amber dog necklace with blue Aquamarine pearls
€28.00 variants
Dark Amber dog necklace with blue Aquamarine pearls 25 cm/ 9.4"
TNA07NecAqu25 €28.00
Handmade Wool Bone Handmade Wool Bone
€15.90 variants
Handmade Wool Bone Rosa
Paw07Bonerosa €15.90
Beaded dog collar Paris Beaded dog collar Paris
from €55.00 variants
Beaded dog collar Paris Puppy - Kaninchen
Beaded dog collar Paris Tweenie - Standard
DHC05Par46 €75.00
Beaded dog collar Paris Bigger dogs
DHC05Par56 €89.00
Partner Set Necklace & Bracelet Partner Set Necklace & Bracelet
from €19.00 variants
Partner Set Necklace & Bracelet Only necklace 30 - 35 cm
DHC07SetNeck30-35 €33.00
Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko
€69.00 variants
Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko 35 S Kaninchen / Light gray + burgundy details
DHC03Yoko35S €69.00
Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko 35 M Miniature / Light gray + burgundy details
DHC03Yoko35M €69.00
Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko 38 Tweeny / Light gray + burgundy details
DHC03Yoko38 €69.00
Dachshund fleece jumper Yoko 40 Standard / Light gray + burgundy details
DHC03Yoko40 €69.00
Vegan leather dog lead Maya Vegan leather dog lead Maya
from €45.00 variants
Vegan leather dog lead Maya Tweenie - Standard
DHC06MayaM €50.00
Dog name tags with sparkling lightning motif Dog name tags with sparkling lightning motif

DHC07TagSil €13.60
Green Parka Da Vinci with red fleece lining Green Parka Da Vinci with red fleece lining
€107.00 variants
Green Parka Da Vinci with red fleece lining 35 S - Kaninchen
DHC02daVinci35S €107.00
Massai dog lead Portofino Massai dog lead Portofino
€85.00 variants
Massai dog lead Portofino Width: 1.5 cm / 0.59 "
DHC06Por1.5cm €85.00
Massai dog lead Portofino Width: 2 cm / 0.8 "
DHC06Por2cm €85.00
Brown retriever dog lead Brown retriever dog lead
€55.00 variants
Brown retriever dog lead Puppy - Kaninchen - Mini
DHC06RetBrown €55.00
Pawtnerlook package Braque Pawtnerlook package Braque
€490.00 variants
Pawtnerlook package Braque 34/36 / 30 Puppy
DHCPawtnerBraque34/36/30 €490.00
Pawtnerlook package Braque 34/36 / 35 S Kaninchen
DHCPawtnerBraque34/36/35S €490.00
Pawtnerlook package Braque 34/36 / 38 S Tweeny
DHCPawtnerBraque34/36/38S €490.00
Pawtnerlook package Braque 34/36 / 38 M Tweeny
DHCPawtnerBraque34/36/38M €490.00
Pawtnerlook package Braque 34/36 / 40 M Standard
DHCPawtnerBraque34/36/40 €490.00
Dog carrier bag Dog carrier bag

PocoPet07bag €30.00
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Amethyst Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Amethyst
€28.00 variants
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Amethyst 25 cm/ 9.4“
TBA07Necamt25 €28.00
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Amethyst 30 cm/ 11.8“
TBA07Necamt30 €28.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture Gift card Dachshund Couture
from €50.00 variants
Gift card Dachshund Couture €50.00
DHCGiftCard50 €50.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture €100.00
DHCGiftCard100 €100.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture €150.00
DHCGiftCard150 €150.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture €200.00
DHCGiftCard200 €200.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture €300.00
DHCGiftCard300 €300.00
Gift card Dachshund Couture €500.00
DHCGiftCard500 €500.00
Black thin fleece teckel Pullover George Black thin fleece teckel Pullover George
€39.00 variants
Black thin fleece teckel Pullover George Schwarz / Female 35 S
DHC03GeorgF35S €39.00
Black thin fleece teckel Pullover George Schwarz / Male 35 S
DHC03GeorgM35S €39.00
Pink dachshund sweater Snowman Pink dachshund sweater Snowman
€77.00 variants
Pink dachshund sweater Snowman XS - Puppy/Kaninchen
Pink dachshund sweater Snowman S - Mini/Tweenie
Pink dachshund sweater Snowman M - Standard
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Turquoise Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Turquoise
€28.00 variants
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Turquoise 25 cm / 9.4"
TBA07Nectur25 €28.00
Light and dark coloured amber dog necklace with Turquoise 30 cm / 11.8"
TBA07Nectur30 €28.00
Massai dog lead Monaco Massai dog lead Monaco
€85.00 variants
Massai dog lead Monaco Width: 1.5 cm / 0.59 "
DHC06Mon1.5cm €85.00
Massai dog lead Monaco Width: 2 cm / 0.8 "
DHC06Mon2cm €85.00
Dog lead Venice Dog lead Venice
€85.00 variants
Dog lead Venice Width: 1.5 cm / 0.59 "
DHC06Ven1.5cm €85.00
Dog lead Venice Width: 2 cm / 0.8 "
DHC06Ven2cm €85.00
Dachshund tie dye Bandanas Dachshund tie dye Bandanas
€15.30 variants
Dachshund tie dye Bandanas XS Kaninchen/ Mini / Pink + blue
SUP07BanXSpink €15.30
Dachshund tie dye Bandanas XS Kaninchen/ Mini / White + blue
SUP07BanXSwhite €15.30
Dachshund tie dye Bandanas S Mini/ Standard / White + blue
SUP07BanSwhite €15.30
Blue Alpaca wool hat with Snowflakes Blue Alpaca wool hat with Snowflakes
€39.00 variants
Blue Alpaca wool hat with Snowflakes XS
7756323005286 €39.00
Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest
€84.00 variants
Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest 35S Kaninchen teckel
DHC01SCH35Sblue €84.00
Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest 35 M Miniature
DHC01SCH35Mblue €84.00
Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest 38 Tweenie
DHC01SCH38blue €84.00
Sky Blue Softshell coat with covered chest 40 Standard
DHC01SCH40Blue €84.00
LED dog leash LED dog leash

Dark amber dog necklace with Rose Quarz pearls Dark amber dog necklace with Rose Quarz pearls
€28.00 variants
Dark amber dog necklace with Rose Quarz pearls 25 cm/ 9.4"
TBA07DamRos25 €28.00
Dachshund leash Paris Dachshund leash Paris
€85.00 variants
Dachshund leash Paris Width: 1.5 cm / 0.59 "
DHC06Par1.5cm €85.00
Dachshund leash Paris Width: 2 cm / 0.8 "
DHC06Par2cm €85.00